By: Reham Essam
China Issues Warning to Botswana Over Dalai Lama Visit |
The 14th Dalai Lama is known as the supreme religious leader of the Tibetan Buddhists and the leader of the spiritual and mundane leadership in the region that suffers from internal disturbances. His followers regarded him as the "King of Tibet" and "Buddha's successor" and described him as one of the advocates of peace.
The Dalai Lama's Advice to Buddhists in the West – Tibetan Buddhism – Struggling With Different Cultural Issues |
Tenzin Gyatso The 14th Dalai Lama, Nobel Peace Prize laureate for his contributions to the promotion of the principles of freedom in Tibet occupied by China. He was born on July 6, 1935, to farmers' parents in a small village northeast of Tibet. He was declared the new incarnation of the Dalai Lama when he was two years old. He began his education at a Buddhist monastery and completed his studies with a doctorate in Buddhist philosophy.
Holiness the Dalai Lama's commitment to promote basic human values |
In 1950, he was 15 years old and China invaded Tibet, and the government of China released an agreement not to amend any religious, or civilian, or cultural organization. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Chinese invasion of Tibet, the Dalai Lama said that goal was to achieve autonomy for his territory and not to break away from the People's Republic of China.
The Dalai Lama's reincarnation in Arunachal Prades |
China considers the 14th Dalai Lama, a separatist and he continues to live in exile after leaving for India during the Tibetan uprising of 1959. The Dalai Lama, who denies seeking Tibetan independence, is in favor of meaningful autonomy for Tibet in the context of the People's Republic of China and proposes a 'middle-way' between autonomy and independence to peacefully resolve the issue.
The real issue, of course, is not the Indo-Tibetan border demarcation. It is China's illegal occupation of Tibet, which has given it direct access to the Indian sub-continent. The Chinese authorities have attempted to confuse the issue by claiming that Tibet has always been a part of China. This is untrue. Tibet was a fully independent state when the People's Liberation Army invaded the country in 1949/50.
US fromer president with Dalai Lama |
What then does China achieve when its foreign ministry demands that “India stop using the Dalai Lama to do anything that undermines China’s interests” and that the “Indian side not hype up sensitive issues between India and China,” or by calling the Indian ambassador to China, Vijay Gokhale to lodge a protest? China’s hype over the Dalai Lama's movements has done one thing: it has given wide publicity to his visit. The Dalai Lama does not make front-page news in India till the Chinese make a noise about him. The Indian media makes very little space for him.
Two Muslim Leaders are Happily taking bless from Dalai Lama |
I think Dalai Lama is not a Nobel man as it may seem. At the end he is ascetic man, and the source of his religion is not heaven, it's created by a human called "Buza" who wasn't a prophet at all. The united states of America supported his movements and gave him this power , authority, and Nobel prize to achieve its proposes and all what he is doing right now is just talking about imaginary peace without real steps on reality, even the Arabic leaders from all over the world come to him to bless them by putting his hands in any part of their bodies, I am just wondering how they believe in this superstition although they have faith in God's power and he is the only one who controls this whole universe?
The Dalai Lama is greeted by well wishers on February 17 after arriving in Washington |
From my point of view, Dalai Lama is not a spiritual leader this is just a cover for a bigger political plan in the region.